Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Don't Go Empty Handed On Your Wedding Day

You've planned for six months.. a year.. two... your whole life for your wedding day. This involves a great deal of planning, budgeting, and making note of every little detail. When that day finally arrives, it's time to relax, enjoy your special moments, and be relaxed. Unfortunately, the day can be filled with little emergencies. Having a Bridal Emergency kit on hand with a bridesmaid is the best way to be prepared for any little mishap that can occur and keep you looking and feeling your best, minus the stress! In this post, I'll break down what I've seen the most prepared brides have on hand that was genius, and some things you may not even realize will come in handy!

The first thing to remember is to have a bag on hand big enough to hold all your little discreet details. Have a bridesmaid tote it to your ceremony and keep it somewhere close at the reception. After all, these are your best girls there to help you out! These bags can still be a stylish detail to your event and not an eye sore. Check out our favorites..

Bride Cosmetic Bag $22.39 Target.com

Gold Sparkle Shoulder Bag $19.99 Daisyshoppe.com

Dreamy Lovers Tote $1.50 Forever21.com

Now that you've picked out the best emergency bag for your needs and budget, let's take a look at what to fill it with..

  • Q-Tips these are a MUST; make-up removing, nail polish smudging, so many uses!
  • Makeup Remover
  • Cream Cleanser - can take off any amount of makeup while still hydrating the skin
  • Mario Bedascu Drying Lotion - for last minute stress breakouts
  • Lipstick - in a color close to or the exact match of the one you are wearing
  • Lipgloss - clear or neutral pink is your best bet
  • Tissues
  • Extra pair of cheap diamond earrings
  • Extra Wedding Band - you can find cheap gold or silver rings at Forever21
  • Mini Sewing Kit - make sure you have thread in white, ivory, and bridesmaid dress colors
  • Tampon
  • Tide To Go Pen
  • Lip Balm
  • Deodorant
  • Mini Alcohol Bottle - to calm the last minute nerves!!
  • Nail File
  • Clear Nail Polish
  • Nail Clipper
  • Bobby Pins - in the bride's and bridesmaid's hair colors
  • Rat Comb - to smooth out any bumps in the bridal hair from getting on the gown!
  • Band Aids
  • Aspirin
  • Aleve
  • Immodium A.D. - this is pretty self explanatory but the bride wants to be out of the bathroom during her big day!! Not a lot of kits even think of this, but lots of alcohol is not good for anxious tummies!
  • Floss
  • Baby Wipes or Disposable Travel Washcloths
  • Batteries
  • Phone Charger
  • Foldable Flats - for when your feet are DONE with those beautiful, but hurtful heels
  • Permanent Marker
  • Vaseline - this keeps panties from riding up and lipstick from getting on teeth!
  • Mints
  • Visine
  • I.D.
  • Credit Card
  • Chalk - gets stains out of the wedding dress
  • Baby Powder - no chafing on any body part here!
  • Bridal and Bridesmaid Dresses Extra Buttons
  • Small Scissors
  • Safety Pins
  • Glamour Tape - to hold straps up, etc.
  • Straws - making hydration intake easily accessible with no ruining of lipstick
  • Tweezers
  • Mirror
  • Granola Bar/Banana - keep up your potassium and protein!
  • Mini Lint Roller
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Mini Hair Spray
More than you thought, I know. The sad truth is, those cute little pre-made kits in wedding stores don't cut it. There are common mishaps that involve every single one of these supplies and on your wedding day, it's better to be prepared than be longing for something you didn't bring or begging a bridesmaid to run to a 7/11 pre-ceremony. Most of these items can be found at your neighborhood Target and Walmart and you probably already have a majority of them in your current medicine cabinet and bathroom drawers! A bride can easily put together this kit for under 100 bucks and get a good night's sleep knowing she's ready for whatever comes, and have only happy memories of her wedding day!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Wish I met you 6 years ago. Keep it up Lauren.
